Support SJA

Friends of Scottish Jazz Archive
You can demonstrate your support for the work of the archive through becoming a Friend of the SJA. For a financial donation to the archive you will receive biannual email updates of the archive’s progress, access to archival previews and news items relating to jazz in Scotland.
Your contribution to the SJA will be used exclusively for the furthering of the published purposes of the SJA, through supporting specific projects related to the collection, digitisation and cataloguing of materials, and in the maintenance of the SJA website and archival database.
Recognising that financial circumstances amongst our jazz community vary, there is no minimum donation. All donations, large or small, provide invaluable help in the continuation of the work of the SJA towards preserving the story of jazz in Scotland for generations to come.
Barring requests for anonymity, names of donors will be publicly listed in a ‘Friends’ section published on the SJA website.
Donations can be made electronically or by cheque. Please contact SJA through our website for banking details/postal address, stating if you wish to make your donation eligible for Gift Aid.
Scottish Jazz Archive (SJA) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Association (SCIO), SCO49270, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSRC)
Donations of historical artefacts and volunteering
SJA is delighted to receive historical artefacts and ephemera suitable for digitisation and inclusion in the online archive. As the archive’s physical storage space is currently limited, please check with us first by email to discuss the nature of materials being offered and to discuss terms of use (whether you require return of artefacts or whether you are happy for the archive to retain or to pass on as appropriate).
If you have skills and experience that you feel could help us to progress the the aims and objectives of the archive and wish to volunteer your time or technical know-how, we would be very happy to hear from you.